Friday, January 13, 2006

Weekly Animal Pic - Naked Mole Rat

Enough of the cute animals. Make way for Naked Mole Rat! This is one amazingly attractive animal don't you think? I know nothing about it. Anyone?

San Nakji for President!


Anonymous said...

I know a fact about it.

1 - It's a naked mole rat.

Friar Tuck said...

Another great animal pic!

Tim Rice said...

Yuck, its teeth makes me think of a vampire.

Crystal said...

Ewww...I can't look at this picture too long. Their little hands are actually kinda human-like.

Oricon Ailin said...

Umm, I guess this is one of those creatures on it's mother could love. hehehe

I found a page all about naked mole rats if you're interested.


coolbuddha said...

It's true, those hands do look surprisingly human. Although only four visible fingers - like the Simpsons.

Anonymous said...

i'd hit that.


Brotha Buck said...

Now, that is just nasty

Dina R. D'Alessandro said...

I am totally stealing this line from television, but:

Is it inside out?

PS: Thanks for giving me nightmares.

San Nakji said...

It is my pleasure ;o)

Anonymous said...

I still think a ferret would have been better than this...

Paul said...

Odd looking creature, huh? I have animal photos on my blogs, too.