Wednesday, December 14, 2005


After my post about the Disco Sucks, F*ck Everything grafitti, I saw yesterday, I started thinking about graffiti. A lot of graffiti is just crap. Around our neighbourhood here there are numerous 'tags' where our local youth-with-too-much-time-on-their-hands have felt the need to mark their presence. That kind of grafitti I hate. The kind I like is the grafitti done by an artist. Either a painter-type artist or a wordsmith-type artist. Some of this graffiti is just amazing. I was lucky enough to be in Berlin as the wall was was being knocked down (the same trip I was deported from Czechoslovakia...). The grafitti on that wall was wonderful. Amazing painting and insightful comment. I even got myself a piece of the wall with the graffiti still on it. Cool huh?
The worst grafitti I ever saw was in Greece. I don't know what it is about the Greeks, but they just love to leave their mark. Maybe they are jealous of their ancestors who left all those wonderful buildings for future generations to enjoy? Who knows. When I visited Sparti in the south of the country, I found the museum to be covered in grafitti as was the park with its' classical statues. I was shocked, but it seemed to be the done thing over there.
An update on the Disco Sucks grafitti. I am sad to say it, but it has been partially erased. It now says 'ck Everything... how sad that such an artist with a way with words is being censored!

San Nakji for President!


Anonymous said...

Censorship should be censored!

San Nakji said...

Yeah, that's pretty good!

KS, I think I will have to censor your comments on the censorship of censorship... be careful!