Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Invasion of the New Zealand Movie

The New Zealand blockbuster season begins! (With a little help from American money) First off the rack is King Kong followed closely by The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It is make or break time for the movie industry in Aotearoa, so make sure you get out and support our poor little country...

San Nakji for President!


Brotha Buck said...

I am the biggest King Kong fan. I thought the 70s version was fine though. Not sure why we need another. But I'll check it out out of curiosity.

minty clorets said...

Even movies are being outsourced! down with kiwi land!!

Anonymous said...

I thought the first lot of Narnia movies were just fine.

Friar Tuck said...

both look good

Oricon Ailin said...

I plan to see both!! They both look awesome. Peter Jackson does good stuff. I was thoroughly impressed with LOTR.

So, I'm sure Kong will be good. And spending a whole week at Disney got me lots of sneak peeks at the new Narnia movie...and it looks fantastic!!!

coolbuddha said...

The reviews for King Kong here in Blighty have been extremely good - 5 stars and all. I'll watch it, but not sure about Narnia (may wait for the DVD).