Friday, December 16, 2005

Weekly Animal Picture - Mammoth

You would be hard pressed to find a Woolly Mammoth wandering the streets of a major city, or even a minor one. Yup, this furry guy is extinct. I watched a thing on Discovery Channel a while back where they dug one out of the ice in Siberia. It actually didn't look nearly as cuddly as I had hoped. The other thing I heard is that they took DNA from this animal and with technology going the way it is, maybe one day we could clone one and see it for real. That would be great. Although with global warming, maybe we would have to shave it...

The weekend is here for me folks. Have a good one!

San Nakji for President!


minty clorets said...

Mr. Woolly is cool but how about some more pics of your pooch?

Brotha Buck said...

Now, that is a scary thought, a real life whooly mamoth! Hey, I didn't say I wasn't gonna blog, I said I wasn't posting, so here I am.

San Nakji said...

ha ha, good on ya BB!

Minty, he isn't looking his best just now... wait till we tidy him up ok?

minty clorets said...

yes sir!

Paulsouth said...

My neighbour looks like that.

San Nakji said...

Time to move again Mouse!

Oricon Ailin said...

Wow!! Cool pic! As you know, I love prehistoric stuff. hehehe

Very cool! *HUGS* for you my friend!

Anonymous said...

That looks like the Mastodon.

San Nakji said...

Whatever he is, he's hairy!