Sunday, January 08, 2006

Person Through Wineglass

San Nakji for President!


Anonymous said...

Interesting picture. Very interesting.

Oricon Ailin said...

Wow! Where do you come up with these ideas?? hehehe

minty clorets said...

this is off-topic but I just noticed Kate Winslet's comment in your "current saying" section. Did kate really say that? Is she drinking japanese water or what? If people aren't willing to learn from their past mistakes, what's the point of learning history? Only reason we don't see more tragedies like holocust is the fact that people are kept being reminded of its gruesome nature. Shame on winslet for saying such irresponsible comment.

San Nakji said...

Hey Minty, glad you are back... It's actually taken out of context from a British comedy show called Extras. Basically it is behind the scenes of a fictional movie and we learn that Kate is actually desparately in search of an oscar... the only way is to star in a Holocaust film... i promise it is funny and not at all offensive ;o)

minty clorets said...

I somehow get this feeling that holocaust survivors and those affected by it wouldn't be laughing at the joke.

I've been back, just not blogging much on my blog! ;d

Crystal said...

That picture makes me dizzy. Have you heard of Photo Friday ( I think I'm gonna start doing that on my blog each week, I love to take pictures and to see creative pics too!

coolbuddha said...

Funny - I tend to see a lot of the world through the (bottom) of a wine glass.