Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Photo Friday Topic

By this Friday I need to have a photo of "Success". Just what that photo will be is beyond me. What would say success to you, my loyal readers?

San Nakji for President!


Anonymous said...

Attempting to do something and doing it.

Fahd Mirza said...

A sleeping toddler is the natural manifestation of success, I reckon.

Deepa Bhasthi said...

Success to me would be a really old couple looking coy and walking hand in hand (dont know what made me think of this). if you want something easier, try some adventure sport and get yourself photographed. or be prosaic and click a pic of your city with its tall buildings and international economy

Oricon Ailin said...

I like deepa's idea. The one about the older couple. It's very rare these days that people stay married so long. Maybe a pic of them in the park or something like that. Very sweet and an example of true success.

San Nakji said...

The toddler thing may be more doable, thanks Fahd. I like the old people thing though, thanks Deepa. The only old couple I know wouldn't stop bickering long enough for me to take a shot...