Sunday, July 10, 2011


For the outside people, originally uploaded by Mr San.

I know I always say this...

Starting from tomorrow I'm going to start blogging on a regular basis! I need to promise this to myself. I'm pretty sure no one but the spammers come here anymore anyway... Still, Monday, 11th July 2011... A day that will live in infamy!

Also, I'm going to start a blog in French. It's the only way I can keep practising. I haven't got a URL for it yet, but please stay tuned!


Cergie said...

AHAHA ! J'ai parlé de toi avec mon fils Etienne hier !
Et j'ai pensé à toi ce matin en revenant en voiture de Belleville.
(Heureusement que j'ai un GPS pour me dire "tout droit, tout droit", "à gauche", "à droite")

Matt Morelli said...


San Nakji said...

@Cergie Merci d'être une bonne amie! Je ne suis pas :-(

@Matt Weirdo ;-)