Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Reminder to San

Wolverine Revealed - Animal Planet
Uploaded with Skitch!

Wolverines are awesome.
Although Fishers are better.

Just a reminder to myself.
Go about your normal business.

San Nakji for President!


Cergie said...

Happily, I have a dictionnary
wolverine = glouton in French
Glouton is an adjectif = greedy !!!

Dear SNakji, I'm back !
It was such a short vacation including a week end and yet I had so many post to comments !

Now I'm tired, I'm going and have a siesta.

black feline said...

im back too in weather dredful dubai...from come and dine with

Oricon Ailin said...

Oooh...wolverines. So, was the program on tv pretty good??