Today, 14th July is Bastille Day. The day the Bastille was stormed and the Republic was formed. Let's celebrate this breakdown in civil order by eating escargot, frog's legs, horse steaks and lots of New Zealand wine. (well French wine just isn't what it used to be!) Enjoy the day France, the weather is nice here, which is a good sign for you!
San Nakji for President!
I do not want to eat escargot.
And snail does not want manger Kira's Slave ! Escargot prefers my lettuce !
Even in France kiwi (actinidia) grows (it does not need so much neither sun nor hot) and is delicious ! Take care NZ, *ton economie est menacee* !
I was wondering if you'ld speak about French national fest and how !
This day celebrates French people Freedom and French Revolution and we cut plenty heads then beginning with our King Louis XVI and Queen M Antoinette !!!
The weather is beautiful here too. It's 7 AM and sun is brighting up the sky with pink colors...
Have a wonderful day, Cergie.
I won't eat escargo or frog's legs. Nope, just can't do it. So, y'all have my share!
Thanks Heather, my sweet purple flower.
Dear San Nakji, I put a link on my blog to this so well-informed and interesting post. I know you'll be happy to be published on a snail and frog eater's blog ! But nope ! You'll be unpaid for that !
rutabaga cacao
I just had a dark chocolate butter cream caramel, does that count?
escargot hey, i used to eat that as a kid...then again i also used to eat dirt!
love the photo of the piggies!
I have a street party, to go to, in Minneapolis.
I'm afraid escargot does not appeal to my appetite. :)
Darn. I missed an opportunity to celebrate something French.
I had no idea that escargot was so sophisticated as to ride a scooter?!
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