Monday, March 27, 2006


Over at Ashley's blog she has been talking about a bizarre dream she had. Space Nakji is another who has some wacky dreams. However usually I have great peaceful dreams, much better than Mrs SN who is plagued with dreams of a North Korean invasion... However when I come down with the flu or a bad cold, I usually go through a night of the weirdest lucid dreams. My mind races and in true Gen X style each dream lasts only a few minutes. It is quite a ride. Not scary, but makes it really hard to sleep. Am I the only one this happens to? Maybe it is a sign of my unappreciated genius? All I know is that thanks to last night's experience I need to talk to Mark Burnett, I have an awesome idea for an upcoming Survivor!

San Nakji for President!


Anonymous said...

Oh, do share!

rubyslipperlady said...

love the image

Ashley said...

My weird dreams are stress related. I need to work less hours and find a good massage therapist!

black feline said...

it could be the

San Nakji said...

Not possible! I would be having these dreams everyday then...

Friar Tuck said...

Do you like Salvador Dali?