Thursday, November 09, 2006

Korean Roof

I was going to post a bunch of photos, but it is too late and I am tired! Here's a Korea roof. As I look at my photos I notice a lot of roof shots. Hmmmm... I didn't know I liked roofs that much! Anyway, they are quite impressive don't you think? This one belongs to a building which was the birthplace of Queen Min. Everyone knows that San Nakji loves a bit of monarchy action!

San Nakji for President!


Anonymous said...

That is a good picture, although the roof is unusual.

I like the name Queen Min!

Cergie said...

"Min" in vietnamese (but not written so) means "dearling"

This roof is telling to me a story from my roots too
Beautiful tiles
beautiful work

I was born in a house which was built by my father with wood logs in saïgon (hochiminh town) without nail
Exactly like canadian trappers do their cabin in the forest

Tim Rice said...

Neat roof! And thanks for coming by my blog. :)

black feline said...

i lovr blue tiles...the korean, japanese and chinese share the same design concept i suppose...

Cergie said...

merci d'avoir le triomphe modeste, mon ami
[thank you not being triumphant my friend
yesterday our blue lost one batle, not the war (I hope so)]

Oricon Ailin said...

They have such interesting architecture. Very pretty.

Nice photo, SN! *smiles*