Cet arbre est un "gingko biloba", autrement appelé "arbre fossile" It is on the earth for so long before dinosaurs, it is wonderfully yellow in Autumn It can be alive at least 1000 years (much more than an illed apricot tree, you know) It's also called "arbre des pagodes" (pagoda tree) we have lots of them in France because now it's easy to reproduce them
Cet arbre est un "gingko biloba", autrement appelé "arbre fossile"
It is on the earth for so long before dinosaurs, it is wonderfully yellow in Autumn It can be alive at least 1000 years (much more than an illed apricot tree, you know)
It's also called "arbre des pagodes" (pagoda tree) we have lots of them in France because now it's easy to reproduce them
That is a fantastically coloured tree, you know.
Looks like a Ginkgo :) Beautiful picture!
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