Wednesday, March 22, 2006


A friend of San Nakji's is currently in India saving wild vultures... He sent me this pic of one of the babies he caught. His job involves climbing cliffs hundreds of metres high and removing chicks before the parents peck him to death... He is mad! The chicks are moved to a sanctuary where the parents will find them. If they are kept where they are then poachers will get them. By reading my friend's email, I feel that I am doing my part to help the world too. All from the comfort of my own desk. Wow, I am feeling so Green right now!

San Nakji for President!


Oricon Ailin said...

That is some crazy but GOOD work your friend is doing!!

You know, they aren't so ugly as chicks, are they???

rubyslipperlady said...

Death by vulture pecking. That's rough. Good work.

Anonymous said...

They prey on dead flesh...

Crystal said...

That's an attractive looking vulture! Props to your friend for doing his part to Save the Animals. I hate poachers!

Tim Rice said...

Kind of cute for a vulture if somewhat scared looking at the moment.