Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Couple of Things Re. the Hurricane

So for work, I am watching the Insider show from the US and their top story is Oprah going to New Orleans. She has been followed by Matthew McConaughey, Faith Hill, Jamie Foxx, Lisa Ling and other celebrities I have never heard of, but I am sure Americans would know, or maybe not? Isn't this the last thing that survivors need? Do you think Oprah is going to spend the week camped in the Superdome? Nah, she is going straight back to the Hilton in Texas. The same with all the other so-called celebrities. If they want to help, spend money on food, medicine and other things that these people need. The last thing they need to see is some celebrity feigning interest in their plight. Celebrities! Get back to Hollywood and look pretty will ya?

The second thing is a little bit more dire. I have been reading the net this morning and I came across reports that some christian groups are saying that the hurricane was god's vengence against the sin of New Orleans or gays. This is quite possibly the sickest thing that I have heard for a while. As thousands die and thousands of others are left without homes and hope, these groups have the audacity to claim that this devastation was all god's plans. Isn't it time Americans came down hard on these kind of hate groups? In a country that is famous around the world for "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-lost to me ". I am sure any real Christian doesn't hold these views. Sick, just sick! (Not linking to those wankers)

By the way, on the Oprah thing, she still hasn't reponded to my letter....

San Nakji for President!


Anonymous said...

The world is a pretty weird place. The best thing to do is ignore the wackos and just focus on the important bits.

San Nakji said...

I'm a little different. I feel we should crush the wackos...

Wil said...

I am an American and enjoyed reading your take on these matters (i.e. the hurricane disaster "relief efforts.") My friends and I discussed RIGHT AFTER the hurricane that "it won't be long now before the celebrities start making appearances." I think it's all a ploy to get their names back on the airwaves. If they really felt compassion, they should just send a crapload of money down there and get out of the way. Because the rest of us feel bad that we only have a few dollars to spare.

San Nakji said...

Exactly my friend, thanks for the input!